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Kells Bells & Cody Tripp by MajorTom_III

Kells Bells & Cody Tripp

Kells Bells & Cody Tripp
Info su questo album

Collaborations by Kells Bells & Cody Tripp MajorTom_III Creata da: MajorTom_III il 20 gen 2016

Mi piace: 14
Ascoltata: 2163 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Which one is Beauty and Which one is the Beast, Tof? ;)


Recensione scritta da KellsBells il 22 gen 2016

Because if we are going by music....Cody wins the beauty hands down for all his beautiful music! :) I didn't even realize we had this many songs together! Such an honor Cody. Thank you for your wonderful, beautiul, always evolving and entertaining music. It is an honor and a pleasure to sing along. :)

The Beauty and The Beast :)


Recensione scritta da Tofzegrit il 22 gen 2016

"Don't Blink", just listening one of the best voice in WL cody's machine talent propulsor !



Recensione scritta da WildGoat il 19 nov 2022

Started listening to this album and had to listen to the whole thing. Brought back memories. A joy to hear.😍😍😍
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