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Tex Maverik
Tex Maverik

Tex Maverik

  1. 13 luglio 2013
    Blues Tex Maverik al/alla Chitarra Traccia # 10070
    still learning wikiloops jam
  2. 2 luglio 2013
    Rock Tex Maverik al/alla Chitarra Traccia # 9882
    melancholy free jam
  3. 2 luglio 2013
    Rock Tex Maverik al/alla Chitarra Traccia # 9881
    9760 test jam.
    di Tex Maverik
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When I first seen this site I just could not believe the things you could do with other musicians, gone from strength to strength and its all dong to everyone as great musicians, long may it continue.
tron12 from Ireland

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