25 giugno 2014 alle ore 21:55

this busts out of the gate at full speed like a thoroughbred on fire. love the less busy spaces - they accentuate what's gone before and contrasts well.
like the bass slide downward at 1:10 - wonderful little touches like this make this a worthwhile listen. the guitar work is fabulous - geeeeez!! can you spell BLISTERING? awesome variation in the percussion department. love those smacks! deadly dark, dramatic, intense, GREAT!! perfect ending. (guess i kinda like this one….8) +5
like the bass slide downward at 1:10 - wonderful little touches like this make this a worthwhile listen. the guitar work is fabulous - geeeeez!! can you spell BLISTERING? awesome variation in the percussion department. love those smacks! deadly dark, dramatic, intense, GREAT!! perfect ending. (guess i kinda like this one….8) +5
25 giugno 2014 alle ore 22:08

25 giugno 2014 alle ore 22:10

25 giugno 2014 alle ore 22:10

i'm glad, too - and surprised. i'm an old woman used to gentle lullabies. 8) STILL - when it's GOOD....and it really WAS - very tight ensemble.
29 giugno 2014 alle ore 14:23

Technically you MIGHT be an old woman ( cough, cough…am only humouring you.. ) but….you're DEFINITELY a VERY groovy chick at heart !! ;) ;)
25 giugno 2014 alle ore 22:21

26 giugno 2014 alle ore 05:16

26 giugno 2014 alle ore 06:22

WOW Lenny !! WOW all over…
Tremendous drum track man, i LIKE IT & this is going to my playlist ;) +3
Tremendous drum track man, i LIKE IT & this is going to my playlist ;) +3
26 giugno 2014 alle ore 20:10

26 giugno 2014 alle ore 14:31
25 giugno 2014 alle ore 22:54

25 giugno 2014 alle ore 23:14

25 giugno 2014 alle ore 23:18

25 giugno 2014 alle ore 23:31

25 giugno 2014 alle ore 23:36

Quite simply the Best! Noj m8! you 1 serious player!....great lines from Basster!...and Lenny's drumming put's it on another level!....love this!:)
26 giugno 2014 alle ore 00:58

29 giugno 2014 alle ore 13:50

Metal con Batteria, Chitarra and Basso:
One of my favs
Little Maidens
Run! -
GrindHouse:Planet terror
The Fright Rider
The Futility of War
Discipline Hack Job
Play it Loud - Rock it Harder!
Sunday Rain in Paradise
Dark Overture
Demolition Shock Wave
Ashes In My Drink
structures of live
Armed Response to a Dire Situation
evil jam
Clones & Drones!!
Alone In The Road III
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Gracias a todos por ayudarme a ser mejor músico =) Thanks you all for helping me to be a better muscician