Tu ven a mi
Some fretless bass on this great latin template with beautiful voices thanks to Tyros and family.
Too many notes once more but PJE's groove is unresistable...once more!
9 ottobre 2020 alle ore 19:00

9 ottobre 2020 alle ore 19:12

9 ottobre 2020 alle ore 19:19

Beautiful fretless, not too many notes at all, another wonderful rich voice and cool groove to the Latin magic of the song, enjoyed so much thank you Diamant, a special addition <3:):W
9 ottobre 2020 alle ore 21:47

BossaNova con Batteria, Chitarra acustica, Voce, Basso and Tastiera:
Trying the Bossa (w fretless bass)
I Can See Your Eyes
Stella Umana
I Miss You ... And You Know I do!
Sommersonnennachmittag | with drum
Gonna Love You Right
some piano and organ in the background
Trying the Bossa Melancholy Blue
Tu ven a mi
Oko, Tony, Michael, Mario, me.
Me playing a Special Electric Piano.
Wieso Briz?
Cyphers drums & bass
Melancholy Blue (quintet)
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