Shady Lakeshore 1
Non sono stati ancora aggiunti altri strumenti!
a low slow G3# wooden shakuhachi to match the template
19 agosto 2023 16:01

19 agosto 2023 16:08

kah wah ta
Your track was both conversational and a bit adding a slow shakuhachi was was satisfying...
Folk con Chitarra and other wind:
Le più quotate basi Folk:
The End The Beginning
7:46 P.M.
Autumn Groove
Bergen memories
A Day
Poppet Show and piano solo
Mushroom Picking - mix
So what about the As Is
Wide-Eyed Innocence
The Last Knight
Skipping Rocks -
She's For Sale - As Is
Long Haul
A Day
Joshua's Sweet Song
Parachute (with strings)
Beyond appearances
The Shadow of Hope
With the flowers
Tell us one more time!
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