This drum pattern is very heavily based on Billy Cobham's fantastic '70s track 'Stratus' (most of you would know it if you heard it!).
Anyway, I can't play like Billy Cobham. But I like the groove and it is quite fill-heavy and there's a fair number of pushes and over-the-bar fills going on. Maybe I could argue it's my solo upload given all the recent drum solos going on around here! Sorry about the slightly odd structure. It seems I ...
Anyway, I can't play like Billy Cobham. But I like the groove and it is quite fill-heavy and there's a fair number of pushes and over-the-bar fills going on. Maybe I could argue it's my solo upload given all the recent drum solos going on around here! Sorry about the slightly odd structure. It seems I ...
1 giugno 2015 alle ore 20:03

1 giugno 2015 alle ore 20:12

1 giugno 2015 alle ore 20:19

1 giugno 2015 alle ore 20:48

1 giugno 2015 alle ore 20:57

1 giugno 2015 alle ore 20:59
1 giugno 2015 alle ore 21:02

Thanks, Cody. I just wish I could do his super-fast fills and swiss triplets! The groove from of one my other favourites, The Pleasant Pheasant, is on my to-do list too.
1 giugno 2015 alle ore 21:01

1 giugno 2015 alle ore 21:02

1 giugno 2015 alle ore 23:35

2 giugno 2015 alle ore 00:14

2 giugno 2015 alle ore 00:26

2 giugno 2015 alle ore 01:44

Yeah Martin! Really tight and clean! I love the ghost notes on the snare. Really gives the track texture. Great work buddy!
2 giugno 2015 alle ore 01:51

Thanks, wiseshanks! I'm genuinely proud of my ghost notes - one of my few advantages of being a left-hander playing right-handed! I use them too much though, I admit. Just need my right hand to be as expressive!
2 giugno 2015 alle ore 02:56

Do you have your kit setup right handed. I play on a right handed kit but I play hi-hat with my left hand and snare with my right. It's a curse but I've been able to drum ok so far...
2 giugno 2015 alle ore 02:59

I'm jealous - you play open-handed. Two of my favourite players, Simon Phillips and Carter Beauford play open-handed. I'm left-handed but play completely right-handed. So kit is set up right-handed and I play right-over-left. To an observer, I'm a right-handed player. Except I'm completely left-handed and left-footed!
2 giugno 2015 alle ore 03:15

I didn't know open handed was a thing. I just started playing that way and it stuck. I've tried right over left and it doesn't work.
2 giugno 2015 alle ore 03:23

Trust me when I say I'm jealous. It opens a whole new world of tom work whilst still on the hi-hat which I'm desperate to develop!
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