Paris, the Carousel
Non sono stati ancora aggiunti altri strumenti!
The carousel goes round and round.
It goes up and down.
It goes up and down.
Children ride on white ponies.
They go up and down.
Airplanes could carry them higher
but they stay close to the ground.
Refugees gather on the border.
The lines are long.
The children freeze in the camps.
They say their prayers by kerosene lamps.
The carousel goes round and round.
It goes up and down.
It goes up and down.
Out in the desert, rockets flare.
They go up and they go down.
The go round and round.
They go up ...
6 dicembre 2015 alle ore 07:58
27 febbraio 2016 alle ore 16:07

27 febbraio 2016 alle ore 16:08

Folk con Chitarra and Voce:
Wide-Eyed Innocence
Life Rainbow
Poppy Sing Sang
Second Spring Time (reflections)
No Hard Feelings
A Hunting We’ll Go
Pieces of Peace
If I Could Be
On the cold hill side
She Left Me
This is my voice
Naked Hell
So Beautiful
You Are The Rock
Write or Call
running for cover
Lost Valentine, The Blue Hillbilly
Ghostdance ( MoussKerr & Cydee )
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I love this place!! its all about the music&supporting eachother nothing else!! :)