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Track ID Numbers on wikiloops

Track ID Numbers on wikiloops

Understanding wikiloops track IDs

Each track which gets shared on wikiloops receives a unique track id number once it is published. These numbers are useful for several purposes:

1. Track IDs can be entered to the search bar to navigate to a track.
2. When posting a remix, the remixed tracks ID serves as a way of identifying which collaboration your remix belongs to.
3. When referrencing a track in the wikiloops chat, adding a hash-tag prior to the ID (p.e. #312) will create an automatic link to the track.

Where to find a tracks ID?
The track ID is displayed whenever a player is offered:
Either below the top navigation on the track pages, or in the top-right corner of the track display on profile pages.
It is also part of the browser adress of the tracks page and the downloadable files names.

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