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Reise um die Welt by jamlady

Reise um die Welt

Reise um die Welt
Info su questo album

Herzlichen Dank allen Musikern! jamlady Creata da: jamlady il 13 feb 2019

Mi piace: 12
Ascoltata: 791 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Fantastic music of the world


Recensione scritta da ROBJOL il 13 feb 2019

Our world has so many cultures. It is fantastic to discover these cultures via music. And most wonderful is to try to immerse ourselves by trying to play these musics. Results are often surprising.


Recensione scritta da FrankieJ il 13 feb 2019

Very happy to be included here in your works Klaudia.

Great album


Recensione scritta da ARNOSOLO il 13 feb 2019

Thx so much for this cool album my friend ;-)

Love it


Recensione scritta da Navota il 13 feb 2019

Great album with beautiful music always a plezure to join your music love the cello very mutch

Perfect journey


Recensione scritta da Jolux il 14 feb 2019

A quite, warm and colourful atmosphere.Great journey with this Album.Thanks for sharing with us and thanks to all musicians for which made it possible!
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frankyguitar from Germany

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