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R.E.A. Band - ROCK Album by ARNOSOLO

R.E.A. Band - ROCK Album

R.E.A. Band - ROCK Album
Info su questo album

Here is the 1st of the 2 albums that I am preparing to publish and that I dedicate to my friends of the 1st hour, I speak of the genialissime Ernie and grandiose Ray. Thank you my friends for your trust, your musical fidelity, your talent and especially for the pleasure you get me.
I do not forget Tof and Arie who came to bring the cherry on the cake with their incredible melodies.
A special mention to my friend the incredible Glen, charismatic and evil singer of Wiki Legend's band. ARNOSOLO Creata da: ARNOSOLO il 20 nov 2017

Mi piace: 8
Ascoltata: 871 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Where's the Beef?


Recensione scritta da DrStrgeglv il 16 dic 2017

I feel like this band is missing something.... ...can't put my finger on it...... it's very nice

Fantastic Collection from R.E.A. group!


Recensione scritta da Ernie440 il 23 nov 2017

Wow, can't believe I miss Ray ... lol It was so much fun being part of this "band" with you and him and I love that you put this album together, Thanks Arno!! :D



Recensione scritta da rp3drums il 30 giu 2019

I missed this one too! Awesome. Thanks so much buddy. It has been a pleasure.
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