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Jazz Rock and a bit of Madness by M4fp

Jazz Rock and a bit of Madness

Jazz Rock and a bit of Madness
Info su questo album

Extensive compilation with great artists. For me it is a leap into a very distant past. I've included some songs without remixes, or otherwise incomplete. Thanks to all the musicians.🙏
M4fp Creata da: M4fp il 22 mag 2023

Mi piace: 6
Ascoltata: 278 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Good jazz selection


Recensione scritta da Krasimir il 23 mag 2023



Recensione scritta da Al-Fadista il 22 mag 2023

Glad to be part of this cool album. Love your take on jazz, vintage fusion vibe and often pretty adventurous. Keep up the good work :W

Viva il Jazz Rock


Recensione scritta da tonyx62 il 22 mag 2023

A bit of madness in music is a great propellant
Bellissima selezione Andrea
Grazie mille


Madness is your trademark


Recensione scritta da Baerenkind il 22 mag 2023

Madness is your trademark, only good that would be the wrong term for an exceptional musician like you. I'm very happy to be so numerous on this excellent album. Thanx for all the cool jams Andrea



Recensione scritta da Ezdrummer il 22 mag 2023

Ottimo lavoro come al solito amico. Bravo non solo a suonare ma anche a selezionare brani!!!!
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