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Was ich noch sagen wollte ... by Uloisius

Was ich noch sagen wollte ...

Was ich noch sagen wollte ...
Info su questo album

Many thanks to all the great Wikiloopers without their cool templates this album would never come about, you are unbelievable ;o) Uloisius Creata da: Uloisius il 25 dic 2015

Mi piace: 19
Ascoltata: 3682 volte

Artisti coinvolti


Recensione scritta da jamlady il 8 gen 2016

cooles Album hast Du zusammengestellt!
Ist eine gute Sache mit den Alben,da hört man seine besten Songs und bei der Vielfalt und Menge an uploads auch die verpassten.
Vielen Dank für dein super Album!



Recensione scritta da Offfocus il 7 ago 2017

... dein Album. Großes Album.. tolle Songs.. super Texte.. Du bist echt ziemlich große Klasse, Ulo!! :o)

powerful and passionate singer


Recensione scritta da bhunt1 il 26 dic 2015

Uloisius is a powerful and passionate singer who can cover a wide variety of styles. His lyrics are poetic and insightful. I really enjoy his tracks, and I especially enjoy when he sings on a track I have played on.



Recensione scritta da adu il 25 dic 2015

Super Titelauswahl! Und was ich noch sagen wollte. Ganz toole Cover Gestaltung aller deiner Alben. Bist ein ganz Großer Songschreiber und Künstler.

Great work man!


Recensione scritta da Marceys il 25 dic 2015

You have a lot af really cool track Uloisius! Your voice is very recognizable and got that coll sound!

Great to be on this album, the dirty shoes, socks time...... Was a good time! :)

Cheers man,




Recensione scritta da wjl il 12 giu 2022

Heard this one even before getting up today, and it's a wonderful album. Uli is a really good musician, and a very nice guy as well :) And those musicians are fabulous!

Wikiloops Geschichte


Recensione scritta da Pewi il 12 giu 2022

Es ist nie. Zu spät einen guten Musiker zu ehren. Deine aussergewöhnlichen Texte, Deine unverkennbare Stimme, das alles vermisse ich.
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