Shades of Blue

Info su questo album
Here is a compilation of some of my favourite blues tracks from the last year.
Creata da:
il 11 gen 2016
Mi piace: 17
Ascoltata: 3977 volte
Artisti coinvolti
Here is a compilation of some of my favourite blues tracks from the last year.

Mi piace: 17
Ascoltata: 3977 volte
Artisti coinvolti

Davet is...
+2Recensione scritta da Keiton il 14 apr 2016
He is a one of great guitar player at wikiloops. I know that he is a blues feeling overflowing guitarist from the time that I heard for the first time his playing.
Er ist einer der großen Gitarristen bei wikiloops. Ich weiß, dass er ein Blues ist überquell Gitarrist aus der Zeit das Gefühl, dass ich zum ersten Mal sein Spiel gehört.
--Keiton Arvelaiz
Er ist einer der großen Gitarristen bei wikiloops. Ich weiß, dass er ein Blues ist überquell Gitarrist aus der Zeit das Gefühl, dass ich zum ersten Mal sein Spiel gehört.
--Keiton Arvelaiz

+1Recensione scritta da jjdf il 7 feb 2018
wonderful guitar... so good collection of blues.!

Some Fine Blues Rock Guitar Here
+1Recensione scritta da gwailoah il 7 feb 2018
First time coming across Dave's guitar work though he is a clear veteran of the Loops. This collection showcases collaborations with some of Wikiloops' finest. Dave's clear joy for the style and tone of Gary Moore shines through on many of the tracks here, and he pulls them off commendably. He lends a somewhat gentler approach to the music than his hero which, for me, works very well. If you like searing blues rock guitar work, shake an ear or two at this album. Good one!

Much to enjoy for Blues Lovers.
+0Recensione scritta da Telemetry il 10 nov 2018
A feel for the blues and technical greatness found within.
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I supported Wikiloops not for their name, I support it because it was a great idea & is a great way for musicians to jam outside their circles.