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Can you feel ? by AKchen

Can you feel ?

Can you feel ?
Info su questo album

hi there :) ... narcissism is a widely spread desease in this century ... victim people in the past, without any contact to their feelings, become comitters .. not caring about other humans or animals or mother earth ... no empathy, no sympathy, no responsibility .. be aware and take care --- added 2 topic fitting songs of Uloisius - thanks to all musicians here, thank you my friends AKchen Creata da: AKchen il 23 mag 2016

Mi piace: 20
Ascoltata: 3538 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Andrea is a hidden gem on Wikiloops


Recensione scritta da Girard il 23 mag 2016

Some people don't find Andrea for months after showing up here, and then one day they realize how good she is!!! Then they feel like they wasted a lot of time haha...

If you listen to Andrea you will always be impressed and surprised. SHe is a great performer with real thoughts behind the singing. Worth your time to listen for a while :D


Recensione scritta da carlottis il 16 giu 2018

Para mi AKchen es una poeta que escribe sus sentimientos y los canta de manera tan preciosa que quedas enseguida enganchado, ademas cuando leo sus letras tan llenas de emociones, pienso ¿Andrea, habra vivido o sentido esto? Me encanta tener eata oportunidad de conocer a alguien asi, gracias🌸

One of the Best!!


Recensione scritta da mortheol il 24 mag 2016

Andrea is one of my favorite and most captivating singers here on Wikiloops!

She has an amazing ability to write lyrics that make you stop and think, than she sings them so perfectly in her very own and unmistakable style that is AKchen.

Andrea sings beautifully in both Deutsch and English which further adds to her amazing variety:)

Vielen Dank Andrea...I am happy I found you here!


Klasse Album ;o)


Recensione scritta da Uloisius il 23 mag 2016

Sehr interessantes Album mit ordentlich Tiefgang ;o)
Freut mich sehr mit dabei sein zu dürfen ;o)


Recensione scritta da ivax il 24 mag 2016

Great Akch,Thanks my dear friend :)

A Treat!


Recensione scritta da Wade il 7 apr 2021

So wonderful to hear all of these tracks together. It gives an idea of the scope of Andrea's talent and ability to make meaningful music.
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