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Waterval III by ericblom

Waterval III

Waterval III
Info su questo album

Glamour is the starting point and is accompanied by technology as appropriate contrast. Glamour are the stars in heaven

Note; for track 75727,75733, 75732, 75738 see main uploads for the artists involved ericblom Creata da: ericblom il 16 giu 2016

Mi piace: 12
Ascoltata: 1975 volte

Artisti coinvolti

so much fun


Recensione scritta da earlsteven il 17 giu 2016

das hat mich sehr gefreut teil eines so experimentelen projektes zu sein, ich hatte sehr viel spaß mit euch! ich vermisse TG, liebe grüsse an alle!

Ein einzigartiger Hörgenuss ;o)


Recensione scritta da Uloisius il 18 giu 2016

Wunderbares, experimentelles Album von euch 9 ;o)
Ein einzigartiger Trip durch eine skurrile, verschrobene Traumwelt weit ab vom allgemeinen Mainstream. Seltsame Töne und geheimnisvolle Arrangements eröffnen neue Blickwinkel auf die Musik.
Macht weiter so, ich freue mich schon auf Waterval IV ;o)

thank you Eric :)


Recensione scritta da AKchen il 17 giu 2016

... for making the Waterval III album, I love the band members so much, making music with you has become a need for me :) ... thank you all & hugs

walking together in new directions


Recensione scritta da abuitremorem il 16 giu 2016

Thanks Eric. I am pleased with this album and the great cooperation of the whole band

Magical Again


Recensione scritta da josepssv il 7 mag 2021

This wonder revisited. Collective intelligence thanks to this wonderful site. Very pretty at times. It always seems strange
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