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Woodstock by Woodstock


Info su questo album

A nice selection of instrumental funk and jazz-rock tracks.

Many thanks to all involved musicians, there was a lot of fun.
Woodstock Creata da: Woodstock il 7 ott 2016

Mi piace: 13
Ascoltata: 3431 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Bass chops...


Recensione scritta da wjl il 12 nov 2020

Always admired Woody's style and playing - and this is a masterclass in what bass should be like. Groovy, fundamental, supportive, melodic, and funky as hell (even without slapping). An album to be heard and kept - thanks for publishing this my friend :) Downloaded :)
Major 3rd

killer basser!


Recensione scritta da Major 3rd il 23 mag 2018

Great album and great bassist..thanks for letting me in on this...superb line up of songs and players


Recensione scritta da King1971 il 14 feb 2017

Very enjoyable listening on this collection of tracks. Well done Woodstock!

Iron Fingers !


Recensione scritta da Tofzegrit il 8 ott 2016

This guy has an amazing finger playing !!
Here is a nice collection of cool tracks and the bass becomes the thing to be listened to in most of them :)
Well done, so cool you are in this place

Master Bassist!!!


Recensione scritta da ivax il 7 ott 2016

Thanks Wood,great album my friend....

Nice collection !


Recensione scritta da OliVBee il 7 ott 2016

cool compilation of funky groovy tracks :)
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