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Sing a song 3 by GemmyF

sing a song 3

sing a song 3
Info su questo album

These songs are presented from most the recently recorded songs to older tracks(if you consider 16 days old).

Recorded September 30 - Oct. 16, 2016

The Music is quite enjoyable and varied on this album.

Thanks for the folks that ADDed to songs(making for a full robust flavor)


Thanks to the folks that made some inspiring music that would compel me to download, sing and in a can, and put these songs up. Exposing myself to (the wikiWorld)!

As Dick recently said "LOL"!
GemmyF Creata da: GemmyF il 16 ott 2016

Mi piace: 16
Ascoltata: 3294 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Box of chocolates


Recensione scritta da garymcmill il 9 gen 2017

Bothen describe your music so well. Always a good surprise.



Recensione scritta da Bothen il 6 nov 2016

You are like a box of chocolates Jim, you just don't know what your gonna get when you click one of your links. You have a great imagination and are blessed with putting it to music. Thanks for having me on this cool album!



Recensione scritta da Nige il 18 ott 2016

totally stoked to be added, it started as a quick experiment and has turned out to be fairly popular.
great album btw, nice work by all.

The art of Jim


Recensione scritta da ivax il 16 ott 2016

you are of those people who leave footprint,always so creative, and so personal, "camaleonico", but subtle, is wonderful be friend of you, and above all enjoy your accompanying at the jams...Thanks for your friendship...Gemmy



Recensione scritta da PaulBOwens il 16 ott 2016

I am very honored to be included as one of Gammy's collaborators in this fine collection. I am looking forward to listening to all the tracks.

unique style


Recensione scritta da bhunt1 il 16 ott 2016

Gemmy has a unique style that is recognizable in each of his tracks. His influences and his collaborators are diverse, but he always has his stamp on each of the songs he contributes to.

Cool and Unique!


Recensione scritta da 2underpar il 16 ott 2016

Wow, your volume of cool tracks is amazing. Many of these tracks I've never heard before and I try to listen to your stuff all the time. You built a cool album with some very talented artist. Definitely some great listening for when I'm stuck away from home in the hotel. Thanks for including me in the project.


Excellent Collection of Tunes


Recensione scritta da Ernie440 il 16 ott 2016

Gemmy is a talented and extremely creative performer with a seemingly endless font of ideas. Very pleased to be included in this cool collection of his songs. Thanks Jim!

A fine collection


Recensione scritta da apsummerlin il 8 ott 2018

Some very nice tracks here! DOWNLOADED! :D

post scriptum


Recensione scritta da Uloisius il 23 set 2017

downloaded ;o)

yesss ...


Recensione scritta da Uloisius il 19 set 2017

oh Gemmy, a true cornucopia of fine music that you present here. Your great, creative song is omnipresent and inspires me ;o) All in all superduper ;o)
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