
Lyric #2169 by deezee

Tags: Divorce
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Posts: 45
Joined: 2 lug 2018
Dorothy Wilson


Do you think of the good times,
we had together.
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you remember,
those summer nights.
We used to splash water,
and have play fights'
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you remember,
when you went away for a week.
All I did,
was drink and sleep.
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you remember,
the fight with Glen.
We used to laugh a lot,
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you remember,
that summer night
in the park,
We made passionate love,
right there in the dark.
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you remember,
I never told you then.
You became my hero,
after the fight with Glen.
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you also remember,
the pain and the tears
that accumulated,
over the years.
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you remember,
it became plain to see.
You began to slip,
away from me.
When I thought of leaving you,

Do you remember,
I'm older than you.
And of children,
we have two.
When I thought of leaving you,

But Chris,
I don't need you anymore.
And the pain, you've left,
is very sore.
When I thought of leaving you,
yes Chris, for ever.
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