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Roll a seven

roll a seven

Lyric #3743 by solozolo

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Posts: 33
Joined: 27 mar 2016
If you roll a seven then I am yours
But if you roll a five I stay alive
And if you roll a three
you can take me take me
so if you want to play just say so
and if you like the game
I wont let you go
I love love you until the day I die
So take the dice and give them a roll take the die and give them a roll
And if you roll a seven and if you roll a five
No matter what you roll I will always be in love with you
No matter what you roll I will always be in love with you
Take my hand lets play the game
Lets walk this land hand and hand
Look at me when I look at your way
Throw you a kiss from miles away
Because I will always always love you
Always always love you
Play the game I love love you to the end of the land
I say if you roll a seven and if you roll a five
Doesn’t really matter as I love love you anyway
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