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Following musicians on wikiloops

Following musicians on wikiloops

What does the "Follow" function do?

The "Follow" function covered on this page enables notifications which are triggered whenever the followed wikiloops member uploads a new track.
These notifications are received by the following wikiloops user, who receives a newsfeed notice on his user profile and an automated email alert (optional).
Using this function requires a wikiloops user account, so these notifications can be delivered.

There are other ways of "following" wikiloops members by browsing their past contributions which are available to any wikiloops visitor regardless of having a user account. Those are explained in the Following up one musicians tracks and following a team of collaborators article.

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How to follow a wikiloops member

Navigate to the users profile page on wikiloops, either by clicking on the username or by looking it up with the member search tool.
On the users profile, click on the "Follow" button offered on the right side of the profiles head area.
The button will display a green "checked" icon, you are now following this user and will no longer see the follow-button on your next visit of the profile.
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How to stop following a member I am following?

Visit your own user profile by clicking on your username in the top navigation panel.
Open the settings-tab on your profile (the last tab on the right, with the small "gears"-icon)
Open the link to the "un-follow" page offered below "Manage users you are following"
On the "un-follow"-page, locate the user in the displayed list and click the red "X" icon
After the page has reloaded, you will see a confirmation message at the top of the screen, and the user will no longer be listed. You are done.
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How to disable / enable email notifications on followed members uploads

Please see:
Changing mail notification settings

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I support wikiloops because it's a great way for musicians around the world to share ideas and not have their egos kill each other. Thanks.
abyssinal from United States

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