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Just A Little Pile Of Songs. by Peterpingo

Just A Little Pile Of Songs.

Just A Little Pile Of Songs.
Info su questo album

This is A small excerpt of some of the songs I have had a wonderful time composing and creating adds for On the Loops (kind of my second "home") The songs includes a lot of wonderful musicians and lovely people I have had great times playing and chatting with over the time and between the jams. Just wanna say. I love you - All of you. :) Peterpingo Creata da: Peterpingo il 8 lug 2017

Mi piace: 10
Ascoltata: 929 volte

Artisti coinvolti

..you enrich Wikiloops..


Recensione scritta da Pewi il 10 apr 2018

With pride I discovered today (with delay, sorry for that) that I'm in another collection of you with it. Peter, with your work you enrich Wikiloops, thank you for that

great Album


Recensione scritta da jamlady il 18 gen 2018

thanks a lot!

Peter, I am so honored to be part of your Beautiful Album


Recensione scritta da Itocpogo il 8 lug 2017

Making Wonderful Music With Friends is the best feeling I can get! So many wonderful musicians on this album. Peter creates joyous compositions and arrangements and his mixes are Excellent. I am honored to be on the same album with these Fantastic musicians!

Great emotions in music


Recensione scritta da Stef il 8 lug 2017

A wonderful collection of a friend and a beautiful musician whom I admire sound care and musical vision. I'm glad to be here with you Peter!
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