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Surprises by Offfocus


Info su questo album

Over the last 2 years I had tremendous fun and wonderful moments with your wonderful music in Wikiloops. I do not know what all in all are the best moments here .. but one thing indeed is really making me glad - having the chance to play with some really really great and outstanding singers.. Look guys, in real life I would never have the chance to meet with people like you and to be allowed to play music with you .. So: Thank you all so much!! You gave me some of the best moments over the past 2 years!!! Offfocus Creata da: Offfocus il 31 ott 2017

Mi piace: 5
Ascoltata: 989 volte

Artisti coinvolti

tolles album !


Recensione scritta da Uloisius il 29 gen 2018

sehr schöne kollektion von songs mit tollen adds von dir, freut mich das ich auch mit dabei sein durfte ;o)
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WikiLoops is the perfect place to exercise your instruments and share the results with the other musicians. It may even really help to turn yourself into a more experienced musician over time.
cschlote from Germany

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