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Blues with wikiloopers vol III. by slin

Blues with wikiloopers vol III.

Blues with wikiloopers vol III.
Info su questo album

A Blues album with many wikiloopers that I am very happy to have jamed with,there are so many good musicians here on Wikiloops.And a big spesial thank you to Tom(frenzie)for given me the opportunity to sing many Blues song.And to everyone else who is with me here and everyone else I have jamed with. slin ... slin Creata da: slin il 10 mar 2020

Mi piace: 8
Ascoltata: 674 volte

Artisti coinvolti

WHo does not like a Wikiblues album??


Recensione scritta da TeeGee il 23 mar 2020

Keep doing it, I love it! And you got great musicians here supporting you!!!

Living the Blues


Recensione scritta da Bothen il 22 mar 2020

You have to be living the blues to be this good, Nils is this good. Truly an honor to be on here my friend and I look forward to more jamming in the future.

My good blues friend


Recensione scritta da frenzie il 10 mar 2020

Thnx Nils, I love your bluesvocals so much, and your mixing is always topnotch :):) Thnx for al these wonderful jams brother, wikiloops is a gift.we have such good times making the blues :):)

Blues with heart and soul ;o)


Recensione scritta da Uloisius il 13 apr 2020

Hi Slin, fate banished me to the hospital this Easter and now I'm lying in bed and listening to your album in peace and quiet ... one word: great ;o)
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