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Rock K1 by Krasimir

Rock K1

Rock K1
Info su questo album

Selection of tracks with my presence and ROCK style. Krasimir Creata da: Krasimir il 9 gen 2022

Mi piace: 3
Ascoltata: 340 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Rock On!


Recensione scritta da rootshell il 1 feb 2022

Very honored to be included, such a great collection of tracks!

Great collection


Recensione scritta da Baerenkind il 24 gen 2022

It makes me very proud to be a part of it. Class album

A great mix


Recensione scritta da JoeOnBass il 9 gen 2022

Im honored you chose a track I played on to feature in your great list of works. Rock on!
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