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Bluesjams with friends by frenzie

Bluesjams with friends

Bluesjams with friends
Info su questo album

Wikiloops gave me the opportunity to play these blues tracks my wiki friends made it happen

I am so proud to be among such fine musicians in a friendly atmosphere

Thnx :)
Frenzie frenzie Creata da: frenzie il 6 mag 2016

Mi piace: 21
Ascoltata: 4200 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Blues have a second name - Frenzie


Recensione scritta da Mickey il 16 mag 2018

Great music from a great musican

Super Blues Album


Recensione scritta da petebass il 21 ott 2016

Awesome tracks

feeling really blue


Recensione scritta da GemmyF il 20 ott 2016

Awesome album!
Great job by all!
Frenzie like all your approaches to the BLUES!

The Blues Man


Recensione scritta da ALawrence1 il 20 ott 2016

Love this album. Frenzie, you are the Blues Man!

Cool album mate!


Recensione scritta da TeeGee il 20 ott 2016

I always enjoy listening to your playing, and this album is really nice to listen to! Well done.


Recensione scritta da jmrukkers il 20 ott 2016

Very cool album Frenzie

Enjoy the Blues


Recensione scritta da Stef il 29 mag 2016

Great album, great blues and great friends. The miracles of Wikiloops.
Thank you Tom for this wonderful gift.


Recensione scritta da ivax il 13 mag 2016

Great Frenzie

Totaly Frenzie !


Recensione scritta da titi il 7 mag 2016

Great pleasure to find all these lovers of Tom's good Blues on this album.
Continue to offer us this unique Blues which you know so well how to make !!!
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Wikiloops is a must for ageing musicians like myself ! It has given me something to look forward to every day ! I have made may new great friends !

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