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Cody Tripp And The Master Musicians by MajorTom_III

Cody Tripp And The Master Musicians

Cody Tripp And The Master Musicians
Info su questo album

Some Of The Elite Musicians Of Wikiloops Collaborating With Cody Tripp MajorTom_III Creata da: MajorTom_III il 5 giu 2016

Mi piace: 17
Ascoltata: 3234 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Wonderful Album


Recensione scritta da FrankieJ il 5 giu 2016

Such a wonderful collection of song.
Truly representative of the exceptional player/songwriter/engineer, Cody Tripp.

It is an honor to be included here.


Recensione scritta da rp3drums il 5 giu 2016


thanks for including me on this wonderful album. As I have said before you are a great songwriter and it is a pleasure to jam with you. I look forward to many more....


Recensione scritta da ivax il 16 giu 2016

Thanks Cody for so spectacular music that you offers us every day...
Marcelo D

Great Master Work


Recensione scritta da Marcelo D il 16 giu 2016

This is full of great musicians and different musical flavors.
Its a pleasure to hear it.
Thanks for sharing it.
its an honor to be part of this work!

Beautiful Compilation !


Recensione scritta da aleonz il 9 giu 2016

You always serve us with such a great, super cool track , to listen, to have fun and play with it, and to pampered our ears and heart while listening your music Tom!

Don't stop and keep it coming!

so happy to be part of this album!




Recensione scritta da Wade il 6 giu 2016

A good exposition of how wide you cast your musical net with all of these styles masterfully played.

A great treat to be included in this group (although hardly a master). Thanks, and keep being you.

Good Album


Recensione scritta da GlezBass il 5 giu 2016

If a master of the wiki is considered a good musician, among many good musicians there on this website it is a true honor. thanks Cody

Excellent Album


Recensione scritta da Ernie440 il 5 giu 2016

Tom, this is a great collection of songs representing some wonderful moments jamming here on wikiloops. I'm so pleased to have some of my playing included on this album. I always enjoy jamming to your musical creations. Thank you.



Recensione scritta da Pewi il 5 giu 2016

I am honored. Thank you very much cody . I learn more and more about Loops . It is fantastic , with such good musicians making music together !

downloaded !!!


Recensione scritta da AKchen il 5 giu 2016

awesome album dear Cody & thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of :D



Recensione scritta da Mickey il 8 giu 2018

Very good music Cody!!!


Recensione scritta da carlottis il 8 giu 2018

Un verdadero placer disfrutar en las jams de Cody con su talento me hace pasar momentos realmente geniales, Muchas gracias, un gusto saber que mañana habra mas

A Nice Listen


Recensione scritta da Nightjoe il 3 nov 2016

Enjoy the relaxing sounds of Cody Tripp.
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