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While the World by josepssv

While the World

While the World
Info su questo album

While the band makes its album Waterval World, between June and October, at the same time formed this music. Free music in our open rehearsal room
josepssv Creata da: josepssv il 23 nov 2016

Mi piace: 14
Ascoltata: 1998 volte

Artisti coinvolti

Thank you very much


Recensione scritta da abuitremorem il 23 nov 2016

I'm glad to be part of this album. Above all, I am glad to have met José in Wikiloops and that I could play with him and all my friends. José has a shaping power that goes beyond individual tracks. Thank you very much.



Recensione scritta da SupJax il 5 giu 2019

musical adventures from start to end. If you're hungry, this is your drive-in. A colorful box cooked by fair strangers;)

Splendid tunes collection - Thanks!


Recensione scritta da Funkystan il 24 nov 2016

Thanks a lot my friend, I'm very pleased to be one part of this bunch of tracks you like. Kind people and great musicians here! I do hope on your next album we'll have a collab track together! Many thanks^^

puuuh ;o)


Recensione scritta da Uloisius il 23 nov 2016

Wonderful collection of Music here ;o) I am very happy to be part of it ;o)

maestro underground y genialidad total


Recensione scritta da ivax il 23 nov 2016

Josep...Gracias por incluirme en tu album,mientras tanto el mundo,como bien dices,Tanto talento es apetecible descargar el album



Recensione scritta da will_C il 23 nov 2016

Very beautiful collection, José! It contains very colorful sound constructions. Many thanks for this gift!

thank you ...


Recensione scritta da AKchen il 23 nov 2016

.. for this many-sided album, love to be a part of music with all you fantastic musicians :) also love the nightblue cover .. great José !! I will download it and show it Bella :)
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so happy about ... thank you wikiloops & all those fantatstic musicians here
AKchen from Germany

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