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Grew up loving Blues, Jazz, Classical and the R & B/Funk music of the 70's, Funkadelic, Nile Rodgers...

Hendrix, Cream, Grateful Dead then Weather Report, electronic Miles Davis, John McLaughlin, John Scofield, Paco deLucia, Shaki, Ravi Shankar, Zakir...

Just been playing for a few years so I'm working on my chops.


These days I'm mostly playing a Fender and Warmoth Strats and a Mahogany Taylor Acoustic.

Fender amps.

Also love hand drums...Global Hand Percussion: Cajon, Sabar, Moroccan and African Drums.

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Just getting started with recording, have a lot to learn.

Scarlet 6i6
M57 mike
JBL 3 monitors
Logic X

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Tutama from Portugal

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