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I am an American born in 1975. I love what we called the British invasion era music.Led Zeppelin being my favorite of course. My daughter's middle name is Page. Can you guess why? Although Metallica was my first influence on guitar i soon heard of the Zep. As far as general music Foreigner was the first band I was in to, singing Hot blooded while in diapers. It was inevitable that I would at some point pick up a guitar. I'm not the best or the worst, but I did find wikiloops while in a rut and the idea is just too cool!! So here I am.


Never dedicated as I should be I have an abundance of electric guitars, a few bass' a couple keyboards, and a pretty big drum set.I have played guitar since I was 12 and just fiddle around with the rest. So been playing guitar for 30 years but you would never know it as I should be better, but life and raising kids does seem to get in the way of my practice! lol

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I have no recording set up, I was kinda hoping to learn more about that in the near future from some folks on here.

REYMAN440 segue:

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