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flag Pontyclun


Born in 1956, In Aberystwyth, Wales. Played Guitar (sung a bit as well) since I was 14, not particularly well but been in a few local bands over the decades, with a 20 year gap in the middle due to moving, work, family commitments.... I have recorded at home on and off, used a Boss BR1600 for a while but the 320 or so page manual was always going to beat me. Lockdown saw me put together a small home studio in an attic room and when I can, will knock up a tune and terrorise friends and band mates with it. My longtime musical hero is Todd Rundgren, such a diverse bloke. He has tried his hand at so much, and never been locked in to one narrow style. Apart from Todd, my first guitar hero was Rory Gallagher but really, there are too many artists and styles to mention. Not a fan of speed metal, or ultra technical speedsters, never seen the point, probabaly as I can't do it myself!!


American series strat
Assorted other electrics plus acoustics.

dispositivi di registrazione

Windows 10 laptop (built to order)
Samsung 32" ultra-wide monitor
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface
Rode NT1A Mic
Shure SM58/58A
Akai MPK Mini 25 midi keyboard
Roland Juno-D synth
Edirol MA-15D Monitor speakers
Pro Tools First (for how much longer?)
Blackstar S1 45 watt combo (emulated output!!)
Pedal Board, various.
Roland HD-1 (basic) electric drum kit (gathering dust)
plus stuff.

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