Surfing You Us Hey-NO DRUMS
Non sono stati ancora aggiunti altri strumenti!
140 BPM
2 settembre 2017 alle ore 01:58

2 settembre 2017 alle ore 01:22

5 settembre 2017 alle ore 02:22

4 settembre 2017 alle ore 01:12

13 febbraio 2020 alle ore 00:26

World con Sequencer and Mixer:
Mari mira
Hoe Down 100-NO DRUMS
Serena -remixed
Sunday Sunrise Surf
Is It 3/4 or 12/8-NO BASS
Life In The warm chill
Tale of the Golden Fish Tail NoBASS
Afro Cuban Drums Only
Temple of Shiva
Now we drink tomorrow we battle
Sunday Chill Day
Broaden Horizon (Jam)
Salsa Dance Sauce-NO BASS
Dancing With Daleks
Robotica Tronica Ambience
Texting the Echo
How It Should Be (NO DRUMS)
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My guitar sat in a corner. Then I discovered wikiloops and now, not one day has gone by that I haven't played it.