In The Horse Head Nebula
Non sono stati ancora aggiunti altri strumenti!
Hello friends, like announced here comes the next step of our journey through the infinite vastness of space. We repaired our CP1 and now sail through the horse head nebula. What an indescribable sight. Enjoy :)
12 dicembre 2018 21:27

Great made by both of you. Varied and played with a lot of finesse. Keep it up !:W:D
12 dicembre 2018 21:55

12 dicembre 2018 21:51

12 dicembre 2018 21:59

No David, the Voyager is to slow for us :D That ship can't leave our Milky Way.....:| like you can´t leave the Earth with your car LOL :D
Thank you very much David, you are one of the greatest supporter and friends :) <3 +1
Thank you very much David, you are one of the greatest supporter and friends :) <3 +1
World con Sequencer:
Temple of Shiva༈
In The Clouds
Dywedodd fy nhad wrthyf
It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This
Hassan-i Sabbāh
Life In The Chill Lane
Granddad's rhythm
Stone in My Eyes
2 Dreamy chords
Surfing You Us Hey
Bailar Conmigo
Tribal Jungle Groove 100BPM
Los Mochis Beach
Light side of the moon
When the Irish mist will roll away
Mongolian Nights
Healing Touch
Search for Meaning
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