RokTronik v2.0
Great DanDiplo jam, I liked it from the first moment I heard it ... I tried to do my best, looking for the "right" sounds. It costs me horrors guitar solos, but I'm still trying to improve and learn from the great musicians that are here!
Guitar Ibanez GRG121DX-WNF
8 gennaio 2019 02:38

8 gennaio 2019 16:21

8 gennaio 2019 09:00

8 gennaio 2019 10:30

Great job! I'd always imagined some heavy guitar on this, but don't have the skills myself. So really pleased you had a go - hope you enjoyed yourself! :W
8 gennaio 2019 16:31

Thanks Bro;), the song transported me to my first Kraftwerk album "Die Mensch-Maschine" back in the '80s.:o
:DI had fun and worked like a watchmaker fitting the pieces and looking for "right" sounds.:W +1
:DI had fun and worked like a watchmaker fitting the pieces and looking for "right" sounds.:W +1
8 gennaio 2019 18:45

8 gennaio 2019 19:37

8 gennaio 2019 19:50

8 gennaio 2019 20:55

8 gennaio 2019 20:40

hey Hugo excelentes ideas y juego perfecto,me encanta como has enfocado este Instrumental de Dan :W:W
8 gennaio 2019 20:57

Hola Xavi,:D gracias por escuchar esta excelente Jam de DanDiplo, tela lo que me llevó adaptar los sonidos y el solo a mi gusto!!<3<3
8 gennaio 2019 21:03

fantastico amigo,anoche vi que la habias publicado,pero era muy tarde para escuchar,hoy he disfrutado,con esto :W:W
8 gennaio 2019 21:07

8 gennaio 2019 21:23

8 gennaio 2019 22:56

9 gennaio 2019 05:45

11 gennaio 2019 14:04

12 gennaio 2019 00:14

12 gennaio 2019 00:27

Electronic con Sequencer and Chitarra:
Kicked In The Head😱
Empty Spaces
Submerged ෆ
Drop a name
Rodger's Nails
Raven without Drums
Rest In Space
Higher Clouds
Rising Up⤴
Secret Glance- No Drums -
RokTronik v2.0
Betamax without Drums
Hot Fudge Cake
Climbing Down The Walls
Climbing Down The Walls
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My guitar sat in a corner. Then I discovered wikiloops and now, not one day has gone by that I haven't played it.