Pink Flute Reunion Concert
:D Great jam from Jef, Martin and Julio ... thanks for the grand fun! Nice play amigos! :D
13 maggio 2020 16:50

14 maggio 2020 01:46

14 maggio 2020 02:41

Sounding good...I'm surprised that under the circumstances you didn't title it "wish we weren't here".
14 maggio 2020 08:52

15 maggio 2020 04:47

16 maggio 2020 15:29

16 maggio 2020 15:30

happy to hear you here friend, as always spectacular, thanks friend for joining the dark side of wikiland:W
16 maggio 2020 15:33

Always a pleasure to jam with you Julio, I spend a fair bit of time on the dark side here!! :D:D
16 maggio 2020 15:48

21 giugno 2022 16:50

21 giugno 2022 20:48

18 luglio 2022 07:14

20 luglio 2022 20:45

13 maggio 2020 13:49

13 maggio 2020 13:56

13 maggio 2020 14:34

Life has been tough but Ive had Pink Floyd in my world and that has made it worthwhile! Great vibe this track and of course a professional performance from you as usual.:o<3:D:W
13 maggio 2020 14:54

They had some great songs with lyrics that get you thinking .. super band! :W Thanks Tu!
14 maggio 2020 01:46

Dark side of the Moon with some good Columbian weed and wine was pretty cool too when I was about 16 LOL!
16 maggio 2020 15:28

16 maggio 2020 15:30

13 maggio 2020 17:59

14 maggio 2020 01:45

6 maggio 2022 22:25

6 maggio 2022 22:48

Thanks Michael ... :D The Floyd type jams on here are always popular it seems, popular band, they did a lot of stuff I really like with great lyrics. This could use some vox actually IMO :D
Rock con Batteria, Tastiera, Chitarra and Basso:
Breaking Time Apart
Time Apart...Breaking
Pink Flute Reunion Concert
Dark Side of The Room
Walking Talk
Flows Like Rain
The Sky is a Pink Hue Today
Take care..
Supercharged Supercell
Phthalo Blue Theory (Drums + Bass)
Rock the 70s 2
Bright Side Of The Moon
Perceptions & Patterns -
Phthalo Blue Theory..
Workin' it
⚡ Storm Sounds ⚡
Why Do I Even Bother
Morning Over Afternoon
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