Love You Blues
28 febbraio 2015 09:06

28 febbraio 2015 12:50

News! Falls a myth, perhaps a record. Ends at 39 download and six months of no upload the unbeaten of track No. 24096. Thank Danalyze magnificent addition and also relief for me I had began to think that there was a curse on this song. :)
Great Job BRAVO! +1
Great Job BRAVO! +1
28 febbraio 2015 22:26

I'm gonna make your day in a few then with the second upload of less than 2 days! hahahaha! This IS an AWESOME bass.
28 febbraio 2015 18:47

28 febbraio 2015 23:51

12 giugno 2016 13:43

21 febbraio 2017 01:16

21 febbraio 2017 09:00

21 febbraio 2017 13:33

27 ottobre 2018 09:26

29 ottobre 2018 02:57

28 febbraio 2015 12:01

Blues con Batteria, Chitarra and Basso:
It's hard to be someone
At Exactly Midnight -
Slow Dance with my Bel Air
~ Frenzies Boogie Time Out ~
Babba's blues
Funk the Blues
- Smokin' Blue -
105 Simonymous Blues Breaker
Waking The Cat
You Left Me
Babba's Blues Jam
Love You Blues
Easter Ham Jam Take II
Sliding Down Highway 61
low and slow!
Shook and Stirred
Blues_Jam_by_RobH and MrAdamOnDrums manfredo on bass
Aces and Eights
Saturday Blues
Blues Ballad
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Wikiloops is an amazing platform to experiment with the styles of music that I never have had the opportunity to vocalize with. Thanks to all the excellent musicians/producers, the sound quality of the tracks are spectacular.