Basi musicali
Batteria, Sequencer, Chitarra, Basso, Sassofono and Voce
The Crimson Red Side Effect +vox
...max 6 musicians (at this time..!)
21 aprile 2015 alle ore 00:20

21 aprile 2015 alle ore 00:31

21 aprile 2015 alle ore 00:47

21 aprile 2015 alle ore 01:31

21 aprile 2015 alle ore 07:12

I'm more than happy for every excuse to keep this great track in the limelight. In this case who would have guessed vocals? Took the creative genius of Marmotte to hear how to fit within this.
21 aprile 2015 alle ore 08:03

One of The best I ever heard here... Because Added with quality and creativity from the beginning.
I repeat... MASTER CLASS +2
I repeat... MASTER CLASS +2
21 aprile 2015 alle ore 08:32

21 aprile 2015 alle ore 13:57

21 aprile 2015 alle ore 20:46

21 aprile 2015 alle ore 20:59

Electronic con Batteria, Sequencer, Chitarra, Basso, Sassofono and Voce:
Le più quotate basi Electronic:
Wide Open
A Brief Respite (drums added)
Six T B Boy Celebrate
While We're Together
Farewell - amb guitar
Glance du Secret
Seeing Stars
Fun in the Lounge 🎶
Two Moons
Again, again
experimental dark vocals ethereal
Space Wrinkles
Anywhere You Go w Niklas & OliV
* Soli *
Secret Glance
Wide open (batt, drums)
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