Overcome It All
21 ottobre 2016 alle ore 22:40

7 novembre 2016 alle ore 14:31

20 novembre 2016 alle ore 12:34

23 novembre 2016 alle ore 00:30

Rock con Batteria, Chitarra and Tastiera:
Swim Or Drown
Finger In Your Nose
Phthalo Blue Theory (Drums)
The sky is Pink
The first source
Rocking Chair
Twilight with Drums
Rocking The Soul
brighter days
Rain Lovely Rain
Bad Luck
Retro Lover
Something slow in A minor
Machismo vintage
60s Rock
Simply G
Custard Cake
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Gracias a todos por ayudarme a ser mejor músico =) Thanks you all for helping me to be a better muscician