Non sono stati ancora aggiunti altri strumenti!
22 dicembre 2016 alle ore 15:36

Hey manuysmusica :),
Looks like you are having fun around here :)
One tip for you:
If you want people to listen to your music, do not upload too many tracks at once, or many of them will go unnoticed.
You might want to join some other peoples jams as well as bringing your own - it's all about collaborating.
welcome to the 'loops :) +1
Looks like you are having fun around here :)
One tip for you:
If you want people to listen to your music, do not upload too many tracks at once, or many of them will go unnoticed.
You might want to join some other peoples jams as well as bringing your own - it's all about collaborating.
welcome to the 'loops :) +1
7 marzo 2017 alle ore 19:30

Folk con Chitarra and Voce:
Wide-Eyed Innocence
Life Rainbow
Poppy Sing Sang
Second Spring Time (reflections)
No Hard Feelings
A Hunting We’ll Go
Pieces of Peace
If I Could Be
On the cold hill side
She Left Me
This is my voice
Naked Hell
So Beautiful
You Are The Rock
Write or Call
running for cover
Lost Valentine, The Blue Hillbilly
Ghostdance ( MoussKerr & Cydee )
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Wikiloops, simply the best, most natural ( online ) way to work! Love you all. Xxx