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Wikiloops 2011 - the numbers

wikiloops 2011 - the numbers

posted on #1
Dick Supporter
Posts: 2848
Joined: 30 dic 2010
Its the end of year one in wikiloops history, so its time to make an account on the numbers of the project.
As those who studied the terms of use carefully will know, wikiloops has commited itself to transparency, so here is the promised account of finances.
I will add some statistical info I find interesting, too.
In fact, with a project like this, it is a bit difficult to say if its developing well, or which direction it is heading. Its like wikiloops is still figuring out what it wants to be, and many times the users (or sometimes only individuals) way to approach the site has pointed out another look at what it is or whats good about it.
Some praise the "wiki street scool of music", some just like the fantastic results of our pro members showing what they've got, again others like to sit down an work their basic skills to easy tracks.
Some think, wikiloops is a good place to anonymously download good tracks, others commit themselfes by welcoming new members and making the friendly world wide thing happen.

So lets find out a little where its at after the first nine month online.

[i]"You sure this is going to be worth the effort?" [/i]
a friend asked when I introduced the idea of founding the wikiloops media UG a year ago. I think you'd agree if I say - YES, but let me give you some insight so you can judge yourself:


Server Cost:.............................................96 € ($ 124)
Banking fees*:.........................................90 € ($ 116)
tax & attorney consultation*:.............3.554 € ($ 4.598)
software licensing:...................................90 € ($ 116)
add campaigns:.........................................0 € ($ 0)
sum....................................................3.830 € ($ 4.955)

*the positions marked with the * are due to wikiloops media UG being a proper business.
It was necessary to do the project under this legal roof to prevent any personal liability for possible lawsuits on music copyrights. Of course, theese costs where one time investments, so the balance looks much different in the next year.

hours on the code:
I have not stopped it or written a protocoll. I think it will not be lying to estimate I must have spent about 1.000 hours on coding wikiloops. Thanks for the good soundtrack :)


Donations:..........................................135 € ($ 174)
Add revenue:........................................43 € ($ 55)
shirts sold:......................................2 (~15 €/$ 19 earned)
music license fees:..........................0 (no sales made)
sum....................................................193 € ($ 249)


193 € earned, 3.830 € spent + 1000 hours work. Hmmm.
no! If you consider that the call for donations and the add banners where put up around August, you get average earnings of around 35 € a month, while the running cost (excluding business setup expenses) is around 30 € a month. Now that sounds better. And then, theres the priceless value of all the music!
Lets look at that:


Registerred users:...................................939
relation "ghosts" / active members:.........698 / 239
members who shared music:.....................85
banned spamming users:............................2
top visiting countries:...............................Germany: 30 %, USA 24%, France 6%, Canada & Brasil 4%
avg time on site:......................................31% of all visitors stayed longer than 15minutes


Number of tracks shared public:.................2007 (thats over 100 hours total playing time!)
private tracks:..............................................25
Most shared styles:....................................1. Funk (367 tr.), 2. Unplugged (295), 3. Rock (245)
Most played styles:....................................1. Funk (45t views), 2. Blues (27t), 3. Rock (25t)


total visitors:.............................................56.000
average dayily visitors:..................................204
traffic per year / month / day:....................678 GB / 75 GB / 2,5 GB


From my point of view, wikiloops jump-started much better than I would have expected.
With time passing, some things (bugs) where wiped out in this year, and some usefull features added. I still have some little things in mind for the next time coming, but overall I'd say everything needed is working, and adding more kinky features will not necessaryly lead to more fun.
I am absolutely happy with the way the community is interacting, the overall respect and positivity is really something special about wikiloops, thank you!
While I was expecting the quality of shared audio to be less good than most trcks are, I'd like to thank the real pros who take the time to share something on wikiloops! I think many of the silent practisers are really glad you do so, and I love the way some jams evolve into serious works of art.
Like said above, wikiloops leads a life of its own, and I am watching it happen just as much as you are. I may be able to change looks and features, but the spirit within is something all of us are contributing to. I have spend many hours worrying the day would come where someone would spread negative vibes and start bashing, flaming or trolling, and still I know one day we will have to deal with that. I sincerely hope we can keep up the good feelings towards what is happening here, for I'd really feel a big loss if this would turn into another deserted spam site with members fleeing in panic.
There is people helping keeping this up already, and I'm going to need more help with the community growing. If someone would like to give a hand, please approach me via PM or take a look at the feedback board, theres some open projects waiting for help there, too.
As for the monetary side, I believe some may get scared, I'm not.
If the number of visitors will rise with webspace and traffic needed, I hope ends will be met in the long run, and if it turns out the adds dont cover more than the sites server cost, there is still no reason to stop this jam :)
Feel free to give feedback or ask further questions if there are any!
May we have a great time meeting at wikiloops.com in 2012!

Thanks for the read,

- chief developer, admin and overall fool on the hill -

posted on #2
Posts: 45
Joined: 27 apr 2011
Thanks for the info, Dick. Very interesting. I hope more users will volunteer to help with the costs.
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posted on #3
Posts: 45
Joined: 5 mag 2011
Thanks for sharing.
Can't imagine, just 2 shirts saled!
Come on, boys and girls, the shirts are very pretty and good quality.
The shipping was very fast, just 3 Days after ordering at home.
By the way, very good results for your project!
posted on #4
Posts: 59
Joined: 1 ott 2011
very interesting. A lot of money is needed. Come on people give a little help...
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