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Some good (music software) news for Debian/Ubuntu

Some good (music software) news for Debian/Ubuntu

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wjl Supporter
Posts: 827
Joined: 14 feb 2018
After my latest warning for the Mac crowd (in https://www.wikiloops.com/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=2223#post_16833 for instance), here are some much better news for users of Debian 10 "Buster" (like me for instance), or for users of Ubuntu 18.04 or newer (like our daughter for instance):

falkTX, the maker of KXStudio is updating the repos, read all about it here: https://kx.studio/News/?action=view&url=the-kxstudio-are-slowly-coming-back

I still have a track or three to play on in my DAW, but after doing that I'll try (and probably report about) these new repositories.

And while I'm very happy with my Debian box and can also support/help users of Ubuntu, users new to Linux should probably first try one of the ready-made music distros like UbuntuStudio or AVLinux (which comes with an awesome manual as well). So in case you have more time than money, go for it :) (joking, in most cases it's plug & play, really)


Edit: and again, I'm not "preaching" about the virtues of Linux or free software here - Ubuntu was about to drop 32 bit support just like Apple, with the same terrible consequences for most VST stuff for instance. But someone told them, so they reconsidered - and so UbuntuStudio and others are safe for the moment :)
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