Lyric #2435 by Davnel99

Tags: Life 2DAY
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Posts: 35
Joined: 28 mag 2015

when I close my eyes
I see nothing beyond the edges of my mind
predictably breathtaking drops of lives
today tomorrow 1000 years gone by
or only 10 seconds of my wants or wishes
when I look with open eyes
I no longer see the edges or even the reflections
only the monsters from a comic book world
the kings and queens of a tarnished drachma
polishing with breath of oxidation vile
the saviors and sweaters take the punishment
thru clenched-mouthed covered smiles
wishing for hope living for life wanting just a little
save them

David Nelson
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If someone had told me that one day I played with musicians from all over the world I would have taken for a madman. Today this is real! Thanks Dick
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