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We need to talk about ads on Wikiloops

We need to talk about ads on Wikiloops

posted on #1
Al-Fadista Supporter
Posts: 183
Joined: 4 nov 2019
Am I the only one who's annoyed by those new ads? First it was on the front page and now it's on the search and forum sections as well. Next on profiles? On each and every track? I really don't like it.
posted on #2
Dick Supporter
Posts: 2865
Joined: 30 dic 2010
looking forward to other voicing their opinions.

Let me point out one detail which you may have missed:
the amount of "ads" (those are affiliate links, but let's call em ads) varies depending on your log-in and supporter status.

A logged in member in supporting status will only get to see ads on the forum overview page and on the homepage of wikiloops, where I didn't find them overly annoying, yet good to find in case one was about to shop thomann and wanting to support wikiloops.
A guest or free member will get to see these ads in other spots as well, like in search or below tracks.
If you have not had a look into the 2023 transparency report, maybe do take a look, and if you can suggest better ways to raise some wikiloops budget, feel free to make suggestions.
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posted on #3
Al-Fadista Supporter
Posts: 183
Joined: 4 nov 2019
Dick wrote:
looking forward to other voicing their opinions.

Let me point out one detail which you may have missed:
the amount of "ads" (those are affiliate links, but let's call em ads) varies depending on your log-in and supporter status.

A logged in member in supporting status will only get to see ads on the forum overview page and on the homepage of wikiloops, where I didn't find them overly annoying, yet good to find in case one was about to shop thomann and wanting to support wikiloops.
A guest or free member will get to see these ads in other spots as well, like in search or below tracks.
If you have not had a look into the 2023 transparency report, maybe do take a look, and if you can suggest better ways to raise some wikiloops budget, feel free to make suggestions.

Thanks for the reply. I still don't think it's fair seeing those ads for someone who paid a membership. It should only be a link to Thomann (as it was before, just make it bigger maybe) without any mention of a specific product with a price. To me this looks like an ad not just a link, especially if you put two of those "affiliate links" on the same page like on the forum overview. Haven't read the 2023 transparency report, I'll do that.
posted on #4
Dick Supporter
Posts: 2865
Joined: 30 dic 2010
You are making a fair point which I have no problems with.
I am well aware supporting membership is advertised as "no ads", which is why only the stated slots are visible to supporters.
I have had supporters who would have liked to support wikiloops when shopping on thomann in the past, who felt like the option needed to be more visible (it was there before, but hard to spot indeed).
Maybe the solution would be to not-show the distinct products to supporters, but rather a more friendly reminder-banner hinting at the option, that might feel less intrusive.
I am also still evaluating whether the increased amount of banners really pays off for wikiloops. The whole webs shape and structure is once more being changed as I type, with google changing the rules of who get's to be found on google lately... just trying to work out what works for wikiloops in 2024, no need to be afraid you'll wake up to an add-loaded profile page one day, that's not going to happen, promised.
posted on #5
Al-Fadista Supporter
Posts: 183
Joined: 4 nov 2019
Dick wrote:
Maybe the solution would be to not-show the distinct products to supporters, but rather a more friendly reminder-banner hinting at the option, that might feel less intrusive.

Amen to that, would be greatly appreciated :) Just make a simple link to Thomann, but a bigger one so that it's spotted easily.

I've read some of the 2023 transparency report and I'm aware of the cost/revenue issue, I know inflation hit hard, but even so, it doesn't feel right paying membership and still getting to see ads even if they are "affiliate links" (sounds like an understatement to me but hey whatever...). I'm sure I'm not the only one who's concerned about those new ads and willing to keep Wikiloops free of adverts as much as possible. Anyway, thanks for all the work on Wikiloops, really like this site, that's why I'm a bit upset :)
posted on #6
TeeGee Supporter
Posts: 1793
Joined: 27 set 2014
Al Fadista, yes, nobody like seeing ads or links anywhere, that's for sure. But if it means having Wikiloops with ads or no Wikiloops at all, then I am prepared to see ads even if I am a paying supporter. Trust me, if there was a way not to have them, Dick would do it as I know he dislikes ads as much as anybody.
posted on #7
Al-Fadista Supporter
Posts: 183
Joined: 4 nov 2019
TeeGee wrote:
Al Fadista, yes, nobody like seeing ads or links anywhere, that's for sure. But if it means having Wikiloops with ads or no Wikiloops at all, then I am prepared to see ads even if I am a paying supporter. Trust me, if there was a way not to have them, Dick would do it as I know he dislikes ads as much as anybody.

If I'm paying a fee and yet still seeing ads I immediately think "Am I being fooled?". It's a normal reaction and it could lead to a decrease of supporting members. So you've got to be cautious with those ads.

Part of the solution may be raising the membership fee. When was the last raise?

I think some said that PayPal is a problem, so finding a way to avoid it might get more members to pay a supporting status.
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