***The 3rd Kind***
I added a rhythm guitar...
*attached (hd guitar only track) as well.*
This is open for more guitars, vocals, leads, keys etc...anything.
If you follow tree back all individual hd tracks= bass, drums, & guitar are provided for each instrument to do with as you will...
Feel free to take it any direction at any point you want. Add drums to bass or guitar on drums or bass on drums etc..any direction you want...this one is just my rhythm guitar take on the ...
2 gennaio 2019 05:31

2 gennaio 2019 20:34

2 gennaio 2019 14:04

2 gennaio 2019 20:34

2 gennaio 2019 14:43

2 gennaio 2019 20:35

Rock con Batteria, Chitarra and Basso:
Extraordinarily Ordinary -
Don´t give up!
Rolling Stoned out of my Mind
Sniper -
Heart of Glass 💔
Take Care of You
Lost in the Fog on a Dark Light
Something Changed ...
The Death of the Black Knight -
No Pressure (Sin Presión)
Floydish Feel - Bass
Rockie Talkie
What if No means Yes? Or.....
The hardest thing is the title..
A Summer's Dream
Metal Health Free Market
Touched in the Head
Great White Blues
The Spectrum of Color
***The 3rd Kind***
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