The Death of the Black Knight -
Just a great rock track from Ray and Nick ... added some low end .. thanks for the fun and super playing. :D:W:W
24 settembre 2021 20:30

Super bass playing just the ticket for such a cool track…but what else could expect from the lord of the Thunder Stick of low frequency lightening Bolts:W:o:W:D:W
24 settembre 2021 21:57

25 settembre 2021 02:43

24 settembre 2021 19:52

24 settembre 2021 23:51

24 settembre 2021 19:57

24 settembre 2021 23:52

25 settembre 2021 11:56

Ahahah...ok Ernie I'll try but it's much more effective in roman "slang" :D school, children have to tell a story and find the "moral" (the deep meaning). So, Giacomino tells the story about the little boy who always shouted "mind the wolf!", just for fun, to scare people of the village. But one day a real wolf appeared and when he screamed nobody came to help him. And he died. The moral is: if you always tell lies at the end nobody will believe you and you'll suffer the consequences. "Very good Giacomino - says the teacher - and this moral fits well with Pierino, who always makes Pierino, what's your story about?". "I know the story about the white knight and the black knight". "Oh really? Never heard it before...go on". "One day the white knight decided to challange to a duel the black knight, but he was defeated and he died. The white knight had three sons and they decided to avenge their father. But in the fight, they were all killed by the black knight. Each of them had three sons and they want to avenge their fathers...but they all died. Each of these 9 white knight had three sons and they challange the black knight...they died. Each of these 27 knights... "Ok, ok that's enough - says the teacher - tell us the moral Pierino!" "The moral is better not to break the black knight's balls!" :o:|:D +2 school, children have to tell a story and find the "moral" (the deep meaning). So, Giacomino tells the story about the little boy who always shouted "mind the wolf!", just for fun, to scare people of the village. But one day a real wolf appeared and when he screamed nobody came to help him. And he died. The moral is: if you always tell lies at the end nobody will believe you and you'll suffer the consequences. "Very good Giacomino - says the teacher - and this moral fits well with Pierino, who always makes Pierino, what's your story about?". "I know the story about the white knight and the black knight". "Oh really? Never heard it before...go on". "One day the white knight decided to challange to a duel the black knight, but he was defeated and he died. The white knight had three sons and they decided to avenge their father. But in the fight, they were all killed by the black knight. Each of them had three sons and they want to avenge their fathers...but they all died. Each of these 9 white knight had three sons and they challange the black knight...they died. Each of these 27 knights... "Ok, ok that's enough - says the teacher - tell us the moral Pierino!" "The moral is better not to break the black knight's balls!" :o:|:D +2
25 settembre 2021 17:27

LOL .. "ball breaking" :D:D A true Italian story! haha I like it. I like that they all died!! A very sarcastic tale from Pierino. Of course I'm familiar with never cry wolf, that is a common tale here. hehe that's funny :D Thanks for that Carlo :):)
25 settembre 2021 17:52

25 settembre 2021 21:27

24 settembre 2021 20:14

24 settembre 2021 23:52

24 settembre 2021 21:53

24 settembre 2021 23:53

24 settembre 2021 21:53

This tracks has developed so well and seems like it's often holding back then the energy comes out in waves. Great playing.
24 settembre 2021 23:54

24 settembre 2021 21:54

Totally awesome Ernie! I love the rolls in the mellow part. And the flow is so good. Sounds great my friend.
24 settembre 2021 23:54

thanks a lot my amigo, heard yer drums and had to make the leap of faith .. great to jam with you on this Ray :D:W
24 settembre 2021 23:39

frick yeah Ernie :W some wicked playing and runs in there :o Gotham needs the Dark Knight :)
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[img][/img] +1
24 settembre 2021 23:55

25 settembre 2021 07:34

25 settembre 2021 17:39

Rock con Batteria, Chitarra and Basso:
Extraordinarily Ordinary -
Don´t give up!
Rolling Stoned out of my Mind
Sniper -
Heart of Glass 💔
Take Care of You
Lost in the Fog on a Dark Light
Something Changed ...
The Death of the Black Knight -
No Pressure (Sin Presión)
Floydish Feel - Bass
Rockie Talkie
What if No means Yes? Or.....
The hardest thing is the title..
A Summer's Dream
Metal Health Free Market
Touched in the Head
Great White Blues
The Spectrum of Color
***The 3rd Kind***
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