Snow Cone
Bass line with slap line and groove with lounge style
Two bass tracks record mixed in one track ;) (the trick..)
Technical info to interested bassists or loopers:
--BASS: Kramer StageMaster Imperial 4th with roundwound strings
-Set EQ on the bass: EQ with pickups 90% neck 20%tone
--PREAMPLIFIER: Behringer UltraGMic200 Valve (XLR/jack OUT) Gain 50. -Effect in DIbox: ---
--INTERFACE SOUND: FocusRite Scarlett Solo signal*2 stereo (XLR/jack IN)
--DAW SOFTWARE: Audacity/44.1Kz 32bits/MP3-320kbps
-VST Audacity effects: TAL Chorus I, TLs Drive Valve effect and Compressor
It´s ...
21 gennaio 2019 23:15

The more I listen to you, the more I realize that you are exceptional!
ARS has received a gift of life for sure and you also have no doubt!:W
Thank you for sharing, +2
The more I listen to you, the more I realize that you are exceptional!
ARS has received a gift of life for sure and you also have no doubt!:W
Thank you for sharing, +2
21 gennaio 2019 23:19

Thank you for your generous words, but I think the same of you, for me you are an exceptional musician with a creativity beyond all doubt ... we keep playing !!!
22 gennaio 2019 02:06

Everything Ray has said here is true Mario, both you and Titus are exceptional musical and even greater together......and so great that the words come from such talented musician as he:)
22 gennaio 2019 07:16

22 gennaio 2019 04:08

Glez and Ark have a musical chemistry that always produces fantastic music when they collaborate. Wonderful listening
22 gennaio 2019 07:15

22 gennaio 2019 07:38

With your magic basses, has added mysterious ways to awake creativity of other musicians.
I love the bass slide at the intro.
Superb job my dear friend. <3 +1
I love the bass slide at the intro.
Superb job my dear friend. <3 +1
22 gennaio 2019 07:46

Thanks Andri!! music for others loopers... the bassist job!! I'm going to work to pay the bills !!
22 gennaio 2019 07:47

22 gennaio 2019 18:19

22 gennaio 2019 18:58

22 gennaio 2019 19:44

22 gennaio 2019 19:48

26 gennaio 2019 16:28

Love your creativity with your two tracks and Great lines and this slaps so well placed!!! Excellent, Mario!!!
26 gennaio 2019 18:31

26 gennaio 2019 16:56

26 gennaio 2019 18:30

Jazz-Rock con Sequencer and Basso:
- Helix -
Rhodes Island
YammaJazz Bass (Cort Bass Octave)
Fill in the Blanks
Zawinul Forever
Snow Cone
The Hongkong Syndicate
Everything goes its way
funky monkey
The Storl with Chords DuckBass
The Blue Cube
The fifth of death
April 27 Chill
Free Phasing
Surfing You Us Hey
Rabbit in heaven
1-6-2-5 Benson-Style
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