I Remember How To Do It
now true)
10 ottobre 2020 17:40

This is Fantastic Alex! I like the slap part to start off but Especially at 2:06 and after it so great! :D
10 ottobre 2020 18:09

10 ottobre 2020 18:50

10 ottobre 2020 20:18

10 ottobre 2020 21:59

10 ottobre 2020 22:10

11 ottobre 2020 10:01

The change at 2:06 is just delicious! Max contrast without loosing the whole feel and gist of the composition. Very clever.
11 ottobre 2020 18:57

Jazz-Rock con Basso:
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I´m not a very good guitarist but this site is awesome. Will keep on supporting :-) Greetings from Germany :-)
Chuck Stew