Skunk Rainbow (Apt 213)

United States
rootshell 1529 jams
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United States
rootshell 1529 jams

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+ 14
17 set 2022
fellow residents of the Oxford Apartments had repeatedly complained to the building's manager of the foul smells emanating from Apartment 213, in addition to the sounds of falling objects and the occasional sound of a chainsaw...
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sounds awesome bro :W I think there will come many additions! :W +2
17 settembre 2022 19:01
rootshell thanks so much Andreas :W +0
Wow I love your vocals and lyrics Bravo Nick:o<3:W:Y:W:D +2
17 settembre 2022 19:01
rootshell thanks so much Dorothy, i really appreciate the listen <3 +0
these lyrics for sure are "something else" haha... great work! +2
17 settembre 2022 19:01
rootshell thanks shiihs, it's about Dahmer and the foul smells coming from his apartment :):W +0
A great way to deal with the faulty situation Nick :D Do you remember the song The Sons of Maxwell did after they had an unenjoyable experience with United Airlines? [youtube]5YGc4zOqozo[/youtube] +1
17 settembre 2022 19:00
rootshell this is interesting, i like how it became songs too. i didn't know about this so was reading about it. thanks for sharing Michael :W digging the new avatar/icon too +1
17 settembre 2022 19:07
SoulFingers I can feel what it‘s like if you have to watch other people smashing your equipment while you can‘t do anything.
The avatar just had to be changed since I play much more Acoustic guitar since the Loops ;):)
17 settembre 2022 19:11
rootshell i know Michael, i've noticed you've been jamming on the 6 strings...and great tracks too. did you start with the bass and then go to guitar, or vice versa? +1
17 settembre 2022 19:58
SoulFingers I started with the bass when I was about 15 since I always had an ear for basslines. But then I reached a point where I wanted to create harmonies and jazz chords so started to play guitar as well. +1
Anrak, what a nasty text. That makes me feel different...:o:o How good that we don't live in an apartment block. I will avoid them for now.:W:W +1
17 settembre 2022 18:59
rootshell haha thanks Anrak, this one is about Dahmer's apartment :W +1
17 settembre 2022 19:12
Anrak ... that's what I had understood. And his story gives me a really queasy feeling. According to the lore, he was highly intelligent (not quite like you and me and the other Loopers) and not entirely without empathy. What went wrong ... ? Sick. +1
Sooo damn difficult to choose which one to do....sans vox or not ...might just have to do both lol:o:D<3..Love these lyrics Nick:W<3 +1
17 settembre 2022 18:58
rootshell thanks brother, i need to go and listen to your add :W +0
A dark and grisly tale. Well performed Nick :W +1
17 settembre 2022 18:56
rootshell thanks Mikey, this one is a Dahmer tale :) +0
Amazing my friend :W
Mysterious and evocative lyrics. But what "skunk rainbow" stands for? Something to do with gas emissions in the atmosphere? :D
17 settembre 2022 18:09
rootshell odd title with half of a backstory :) i hope Ernie doesn't mind me telling this story :) he once mentioned he saw a skunk shoot it's spray in the morning sunlight, like a green arc of stuff. i sort of associated that experience as a skunk rainbow, but also, that a skunk rainbow could be a spectrum of foul smells. these lyrics are about Jeffrey Dahmer. his neighbors complained of the foul smells coming from his apartment. his victims would eventually become a part of that foul smell...or that skunk rainbow. +1
17 settembre 2022 20:34
Carlomac Oh I see...the Ernie's experiences are always very interesting :D +1
17 settembre 2022 20:35
rootshell it spawned the idea :D +1
oh what a song!!! Lovin it!! :D hehe :W +1
18 settembre 2022 20:09
rootshell :W thx Ernie, a wicked add by you too :o +1
love it, especially the final ;) +1
19 settembre 2022 18:01
rootshell <3:W thank you! +0
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