[S]Winging The Jam
This drum track is taken from an add I did way back in April. It's the exact same performance and structure but it's been edited slightly to tighten up the sloppier moments and make it a little more accurate to the metronome for players' ease of use in a DAW. And, of course, re-mixed.
It's just a swung 16th pattern with a few short-but-identical phrase sections. There's a breakdown section at 1:57 where I went a little over-the-top but we've all ...
It's just a swung 16th pattern with a few short-but-identical phrase sections. There's a breakdown section at 1:57 where I went a little over-the-top but we've all ...
12 ottobre 2015 alle ore 18:36

12 ottobre 2015 alle ore 19:30

12 ottobre 2015 alle ore 19:34

12 ottobre 2015 alle ore 20:10

12 ottobre 2015 alle ore 20:44

12 ottobre 2015 alle ore 23:30

12 ottobre 2015 alle ore 23:40

14 ottobre 2015 alle ore 04:14

28 novembre 2015 alle ore 07:50

28 novembre 2015 alle ore 19:37

Funk con Batteria:
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