A Bit O' Funk Groove
This isn't a new recording, it's an existing loop from a few weeks ago with a couple of modifications. The original track I played to was only about 2:15 long so I took the whole first minute of the recording and repeated it to make the template just over 3 minutes long. It's an obvious join at 0:57! I've also been through the track and tightened it up in a few places to keep it solid for any potential adds. ...
31 maggio 2016 alle ore 05:35

28 aprile 2016 alle ore 00:00

28 aprile 2016 alle ore 00:00

28 aprile 2016 alle ore 09:55

Seriously Funky and Steady! Should get some time to add to this! I'll wait for my newly ordered wah to be home and try this track!
28 aprile 2016 alle ore 10:30

28 aprile 2016 alle ore 10:51

28 aprile 2016 alle ore 11:02

28 aprile 2016 alle ore 13:27

3 maggio 2016 alle ore 22:28

14 maggio 2016 alle ore 20:35

Funk con Batteria:
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
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I consider myself brand new at music creating music, and this site is great for helping me get more comfortable jamming with other artists!