Kore Kit Kaos
Taking a break from some other recording I'm currently doing. So, inspired by this morning's funk upload I did, I decided on an experiment: three and-a-half minutes of 'funky' backbeat. Rules were no using the rest of the kit (apart from the crashes at the end). All fills had to be on the snare/kick/hi-hat. Basically, see how it goes if I only allow myself the hi-hat, kick drum and snare.
So here it is. 3.5 minutes of free-formed 100bpm 'funky ...
So here it is. 3.5 minutes of free-formed 100bpm 'funky ...
26 marzo 2016 17:52

26 marzo 2016 16:28

26 marzo 2016 17:29

26 marzo 2016 17:38

27 marzo 2016 11:03

Lol, you spotted it then? 3:20 I believe. The last minute or so you can hear my left hand is getting a bit tired - the ghost notes start being lazy.
26 marzo 2016 18:23

26 marzo 2016 19:07

26 marzo 2016 19:07

26 marzo 2016 20:15

26 marzo 2016 20:56

26 marzo 2016 21:28

Funk con Batteria:
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